Tuesday, December 24, 2019

All Human Being Are Creatures Of God And All Should Be...

CHAPTER 6 CONCLUSION AND SUGGESTIONS 6.1 Conclusion All human being are creature of God and all should be treated equally irrespective of caste, color, sexual orientation, etc. Many people who understand the meaning of humanity are fighting for the rights of minorities, LGBT, women, children, etc. Creature of the God should be treated equally and shall not be discriminated by the dominant society. Many Treaties and Conventions are being enacted to curtail the discrimination against people and same should be agreed and signed by many countries but in reality same Conventions and Treaties is of no use and simply found as International agreement. The main reason behind this failure is lack of International Sanctions in case of fail to follow these Treaties and Convention at National level and another reason behind it was priority given to their local country laws. Further, in today era most of the countries having their own Constitution which is treated as a Grundnorm. Many countries having their own living document i.e. Constitution whi ch guarantees freedom and equality and prohibits the discrimination on the basis of gender identity and sexual orientation. There are the Union made at International level by different Countries and every country who signed that union must have to follow the International Treaties or Conventions for example in India, Constitution of India states that Notwithstanding anything in the forgoing

Monday, December 16, 2019

The Realization of My Advantages Free Essays

Each individual is unique—this is one of the very cliche lines which most people hear all too often. However, the reality is that this line is something that we must learn to remember. Being an individual means that we are different from other people and that we have different things to offer for various situations. We will write a custom essay sample on The Realization of My Advantages or any similar topic only for you Order Now Every person specializes in a skill or talent where he or she can excel, no matter how insignificant that skill or talent may be for others. Thus, I personally believe that it is important for us to seek our own interests to fully realize our capabilities while enjoying the things that we must do. I view that this is crucial whenever a person reflects on the advantages that he or she possesses. Even during my younger years, I have already been interested in colors and shapes. My parents used to buy coloring books and materials for me when I was a kid, and before I knew it, I was fascinated with colors. I tried various colors to match another color by mixing them in the corners of the plain drawing. As a child, I was developed a fascination for building things with my own hands. However, with my limited dexterity at that time, I was not able to build anything successfully. Although my mother often appreciated the small things that I created, such as boxes I made out of recycled materials, I always felt that I could do it better Thus, as I grew older, I became very keen on details, most especially with the things that I design. I started looking at magazines and was able to distinguish the designs that I like. Sometimes, I draw what I think or directly create things from scratch. Although this activity is very time consuming, I believe that this will hone my skills and will directly address my issues in being a perfectionist. I do think that in order to be the best in my craft, I also need to critique myself constructively. It is essential to be aware of my weaknesses so that I could improve as an artist. My training at Parsons, The New School of Design that offers a world-class education, is something that I have always been very proud of. As the said school is used in a popular reality show as a training ground for many fashion designers, being granted with the opportunity to attend training here would definitely have a great impact in my future career as a designer. Parson has a great faculty and staff members who provide top-of-the-line training for their students. By passing the training at Parson, I gain the impression and image that I am capable of making designs that the world can acknowledge as exceptional. In addition, the training which I have received as well as the design perspectives made me feel confident with myself. Thus, I believe that my training at Parsons provided me a competitive edge. Considering my personal assessment of myself, I believe that I am very unique from the other design students in terms of my willingness and devotion to this field. From the time that I was young up to this very day, I do think that my trivial interest developed into a strong passion for creating designs to make life more beautiful comfortable for people in different walks of life. Hence, my advantage is my passion to work which could be a trademark that would be remembered by others. By making a simple design that is captivating to the eyes of the viewers as well as convenient for those who would use it daily is one of the most important values that I have as a designer. This attitude is one of my competitive advantages that I possess that aid me in creating a name for myself to be acknowledged just like the other renowned artists in the world. For me, advantages are only a plus to the natural abilities and the talents which are bestowed upon us. Nevertheless, my education, personality, perspective, and my passion are the best advantages that I have. These competitive advantages will stand as my weapons to prosper and be noticed as an artist in my own genre and be appreciated by those who also believe in the mixture of beauty and comfort. How to cite The Realization of My Advantages, Papers

Sunday, December 8, 2019

Case History on Napster free essay sample

This is case history on Napster, which includes the background, a timeline, the outcome, the public relations aspect, and the conclusion. This paper traces the history of the controversial music sharing internet provider, Napster. The bulk of the paper is an actual timeline that literally moves from month to month covering the major developments in the case. A conclusion is offered along with short biographies. Napster was established in May of 1999 by 19-year-old Shawn Fanning, 20-year- old Sean Parker, and 23-year-old Jordan Ritter. The program was designed by Fanning so that users could share MP3 music files online, using free software that the user downloads from the Napster website. Napster users share MP3 files online and store downloaded files on their computers for playback at their convenience. This is called peer-to-peer sharing. Napster allows users to search the hard drives of other users for files that they wish to download. The program provides technical support for the indexing and searching of MP3 files, and also provides chat rooms where users can talk to one another while searching for their files. We will write a custom essay sample on Case History on Napster or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page

Saturday, November 30, 2019

Mars Essays (685 words) - Mars, Ice Caps, Polar Ice Cap,

Mars Mars would make a lousy host for the Winter Olympics. Yes, there's the lack of air to consider. But more important, Martian snow turns out to be rock hard. Worse, it is melting away at an alarming rate. In fact, Mars may be in the midst of a period of profound climate change, according to a new study that shows dramatic year-to-year losses of snow at the south pole. It is not yet clear, though, if the evidence of a single year's change represents a trend. But the study provides a surprising new view of the nature of the southern ice cap, said Michael Caplinger of Malin Space Science Systems. It's saying that the permanent cap isn't quite so permanent as we thought, Caplinger said in a telephone interview. A second study of both poles finds that Red Planet snow is more dense and hard than the euphemistic packed powder advertised by Eastern ski resorts, and nothing like the soft flakes expected in Utah for the 2002 Olympics. Instead, it's hard as ice. Though unrelated, the two studies were based on observations made by NASA's Mars Global Surveyor and both will be published in the Dec. 7 issue of the journal Science. The combined observations represent an exciting new way to look at Mars' atmosphere and how it interacts over time with the polar caps and even soil at mid-latitudes, said David A. Paige, a researcher at the University of California, Los Angeles. The new data are showing what's going on on Mars seasonally as well as on interannual time scales in much more detail than we had with previous observations, Paige told SPACE.com. Where the snow is Both of Mars' polar regions are covered in permanent caps of ice. Scientists have known since the 1970s that some of the ice in the north is water ice. There may be water ice in the south, too, but there is no firm evidence. Both poles are covered in a veneer of carbon dioxide ice, popularly called dry ice here on Earth. Each cap grows during its winter and recedes in summer. The research into snow density, lead by David E. Smith of NASA's Goddard Space Flight Center, confirm that much of the Martian snow is in fact composed of carbon dioxide. The study involved more than 400 million elevation measurements spanning more than one Martian year, from February 1999 through May of 2001. The orbiting spacecraft bounced a beam of laser light to the surface and back, recording the round-trip time to determine elevations within 4 inches (10 centimeters). To determine snow density, this data was compared with measurements of tiny variations in the gravity field caused when there is more or less snow at given locations. Smith and his colleagues also measured for the first time how the elevation of Mars' surface changes during the seasons, as ice builds up in winter and returns to the atmosphere in summer. As expected, each polar ice cap is highest in the dead of its winter, when it is in total darkness. Also no surprise was the finding that the biggest changes in snow depth -- more than 6 feet (2 meters) occurred close to the poles. But the overall bulk of snow accumulation seems to take place at in thinner but vast sheets at lower latitudes, the study found. Strange snows As with Earth, the weather on Mars can be strange. Smith's study also found odd off-season snowfalls on Mars. Because carbon dioxide does not like to be a liquid, it freezes directly out of the atmosphere into surface dry ice. It's possible shadowed areas could accumulate this snow regardless of the season, said Maria T. Zuber, an MIT geophysicist who also worked on the study. In one case, patches of snow disappeared during autumn in the northern hemisphere -- a time when cooler temperatures should have generated accumulations. A huge dust storm that raged in recent months and for a time covered the entire planet may have been responsible, temporarily raising global temperatures. But Zuber said the deviations are not yet understood. Astronomy Essays

Tuesday, November 26, 2019

just wait Essay

just wait Essay just wait Essay Just Wait So many of our young children are having babies when they’re just babies themselves. Teenagers do not realize the consequences of bringing a life into this world. There are so many responsibilities and hardships to having a baby that our young people do not realize till it’s too late. Television and social media make having a baby look fun and easy, but in reality there is much more to it. They do not reveal the night time awakenings, crying, cleaning duties, and all the other difficult duties that come with having a baby. Sure babies are cute and lovable, but they are defiantly a responsibility for adulthood. Children’s small bodies are just not equipped to birth a child when they are that young. There body is not done growing and it is just not healthy to put your body through such trauma. Women’s hips are not spread and her body is not developed enough to birth a child. In 2011 329, 797 babies were born from children; live births in America ha ve gone down 8 percent from 2010. Only 50 percent of teen moms finish high school, and 90 percent of teens under 16 years will not finish. Teen parents are also less likely to go to college which decreases their job rates and makes your income low. You cannot give your baby all you want to give when you’re not financially stable, it is more logic to wait and become stable before adding an extreme expense to your budget. Fathers of babies are less likely to be involved as a teen. Boys maturity level is much lower than girls, and they are not forced to stay and carry the baby like the girls. So not only do teen moms have to raise a child and take on a huge

Friday, November 22, 2019

Elizabeth Taylor Greenfield

Elizabeth Taylor Greenfield   Overview Elizabeth Taylor Greenfield, known as â€Å"The Black Swan,† was considered the most well-known African-American concert performer of the 19th Century. African-American music historian James M. Trotter lauded Greenfield for her remarkably sweet tones and wide vocal compass. Early Childhood The exact date of Greenfield’s date is unknown yet historians believe it was in 1819. Born Elizabeth Taylor on a plantation in Natchez, Miss., Greenfield moved to Philadelphia in the 1820s with the mistress, Holliday Greenfield. After relocating to Philadelphia and becoming a Quaker, Holliday Greenfield freed her slaves. Greenfield’s parents migrated to Liberia but she stayed behind and lived with her former mistress. The Black Swan Sometime during Greenfield’s childhood, she developed a love of singing. Soon after, she became a vocalist at her local church. Despite a lack of musical training, Greenfield was a self-taught pianist and harpist. With a multi-octave range, Greenfield was able to sing soprano, tenor and bass. By the 1840s, Greenfield began performing at private functions and by 1851, she performed in front of a concert audience. After travelling to Buffalo, New York to see another vocalist perform, Greenfield took the stage. Soon after she received positive reviews in local newspapers who nicknamed her â€Å"African Nightingale† and â€Å"Black Swan.† Albany-based newspaper The Daily Register said, â€Å"the compass of her marvelous voice embraces twenty-seven notes each reaching from the sonorous bass of a baritone to a few notes above even Jenny Lind’s highs.†   Greenfield launched a tour that would make Greenfield the first African-American concert singer to be recognized for her talents. Greenfield was best known for her renditions of music by George Frideric Handel, Vincenzo Bellini and Gaetano Donizetti. In addition, Greenfield sang American standards such as Henry Bishop’s â€Å"Home! Sweet Home!† and Stephen Foster’s â€Å"Old Folks at Home.† Although Greenfield was happy to perform at concert halls such as Metropolitan Hall, it was to all white audiences. As a result, Greenfield felt compelled to perform for African-Americans as well. She often performed benefit concerts for institutions such as the Home of Aged Colored Persons and the Colored Orphan Asylum. Eventually, Greenfield traveled to Europe, touring throughout the United Kingdom. Greenfield’s acclaim was not met without disdain. In 1853, Greenfield was set to perform at Metropolitan Hall when a threat of arson was received. And while touring in England, Greenfield’s manager refused to release funds for her expenses, making it impossible for her stay. Yet Greenfield would not be dissuaded. She appealed to abolitionist Harriet Beecher Stowe who arranged for patronage in England from the Duchesses of Sutherland, Norfolk and Argyle. Soon after, Greenfield received training from George Smart, a musician with ties to the Royal Family. This relationship worked in Greenfield’s benefit and by 1854, she was performing at Buckingham Palace for Queen Victoria. Following her return to the United States, Greenfield continued to tour and perform throughout the Civil War. During this time, she made several appearances with prominent African-Americans such as Frederick Douglas and Frances Ellen Watkins Harper. Greenfield performed for white audiences and also for fundraisers to benefit African-American organizations. In addition to performing, Greenfield worked as a vocal coach, helping up and coming singers such as Thomas J. Bowers and Carrie Thomas. On March 31, 1876, Greenfield died in Philadelphia. Legacy In 1921, entrepreneur Harry Pace established Black Swan Records. The company, which was the first African-American owned record label, was named in honor of Greenfield, who was the first African-American vocalist to achieve international acclaim.

Wednesday, November 20, 2019

Human Bioscience Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words - 1

Human Bioscience - Essay Example Gas exchange occurs in the alveoli. There are about 300 million alveoli running to about 160m2 area. Lungs expand when there is increase in the volume of thoracic cavity. During inspiration, there is contraction of the external intercostal muscles which lift the ribs up and out and there is contraction of the diaphragm which draws the ribs down. During expiration, these processes are reversed. The elastic recoil of the lungs makes them to come back to their resting volume. At rest, a normal adult human being breathes about 15- 18 times exchanging 500ml of air each time. To diagnose a patient as having chronic bronchitis, the patient must suffer from chronic cough for atleast 3 months in one year for 2 consecutive years. The cough is accompanied by sputum expectoration, but there is no other cause for sputum production. There is enlargement of the mucus glands in the lungs, inflammation of the airways and thickening of the bronchial walls. Because of these pathological changes, there is loss of supporting alveolar attachments leading to deformity of the airway walls, which inturn results in narrowing of the airway lumen and decrease of airflow through it (Sharma, 2006) In emphysema, the alveoli are enlarged abnormally and permanently. There is also destruction of the alveolar walls and loss of elastic recoil. There are 3 types of emphysema: centriacinar emphysema, panacinar emphysema, and distal acinar emphysema or paraseptal emphysema (Sharma and Graham, 2005). Patients with emphysema typically suffer from breathing difficulty. The most common cause of COPD is smoking in the form of cigarette smoking or exposure to tobacco smoke either due to passive smoking or environmental tobacco smoke. Other causes include air pollution, airway hyperresponsiveness and alpha1- antitrypsin deficiency. COPD can occur either due to chronic bronchitis or

Tuesday, November 19, 2019

Marketing Plan for Product Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words

Marketing Plan for Product - Essay Example highly rated industries for stability and success, the company offers mobile phones with special features to everyone who wants an excellent product. (Kotler and Armstrong 87). Marketing Strategies In general, marketing strategy deals with pricing, selling, and distributing a product. Using a market development strategy for a special mobile phone for aged people, the company will capture a larger share of an existing market for current products through market saturation and market penetration or develop new markets for current products. It is "the combination of choices you make about which tactics you use" ((Kotler and Armstrong 76). Product differentiation will be the main strategy followed by the company. Differentiation will be achieved by unique product image and features, low price and support services proposed fro all customers. The company will follow penetration pricing strategy. Penetration pricing refers to the establishment of price levels low enough to penetrate markets deeply, and to discourage potential competitors from entry. Although prices are set relatively low, expanding markets arc recognized. Pursuit of this policy slows down the recouping of investments and expenses. Which policy to use depends on the total marketing plan and an assessment of cost-revenue market factors (Boone and Kurtz 132). Segmentation Segmentation for a special mobile phone for aged people will be used to understand individual customers in the sports market place and to group them together to form distinct segments which are identifiable, accessible and substantial. In markets, segmentation is often used to make selling more cost effective by prioritizing the companies that require regular face-to-face salespeople and that can be served better by telesales and direct... The researcher states that new product management is one of the most complex and complicated tasks for an entrepreneur today. The proposed product is a special mobile phone for aged people with poor eyesight and deafness. The idea is to create a mobile phone device with big screen and special signals which help old people with poor eyesight and deafness to communicate with relatives and use mobile phone in emergency situations. The main goal of the new business is to get and keep a customer. Also, the product is aimed to achieve competitive advantage and sustainable competitive creating value for consumers, select markets where they can excel and present a moving target to their competitors by continually improving their position. Three of the most important factors are innovation, quality and inventory reduction. Using a market development strategy for a special mobile phone for aged people, the company will capture a larger share of an existing market for current products through m arket saturation and market penetration or develop new markets for current products. Marketing mix will involve telemarketing and direct sales, promotion through medical institutions and mobile stores outside the country. In conclusion, the researcher analyzes differentways of promoting the mobile phone for aged people and discusses the strategies adopted and implemented by the firm including product, price, promotion and distribution issues, that are aimed when advertising features and products to older people.

Saturday, November 16, 2019

Indian Removal Act Essay Example for Free

Indian Removal Act Essay Known as having adopted an Indian child as his son, Andrew Jackson was quite fond of the Indian race; however, with pressure to expand westward, he needed to transfer the Indians farther west and soon became their worst enemy. Andrew Jackson’s Indian Policy was to move the Indians westward as peacefully as possible, for the tribes that stayed in the East Coast were annihilated. Also, moving them West will help them live longer, and there is a fair exchange for the tribes moving. Another important component is the gain of Western lands and the addition of American power; this will add on to America’s size and increase America’s authority. Jackson validates his actions by saying he will pay for the land the Indians inhabit, pay for their long journey West, also known as the Trail of Tears, and support them a little while their settling in. President Jackson also said if they move west, they will enjoy sovereignty forever. Jackson made the point that with the Indians gone there will be less conflict between them and state governments, it will allow for prosperous populations and cities to flourish, and the free land will add another line of defense for America. President Jackson’s attitude toward the Indians in his speech reveals that he wants the Indians gone so America can gain land and grow stronger. He uses words like â€Å"Red Men† and â€Å"Savages† to describe them, so they seem like outcasts. He makes it sounds like the Indians are a nuisance and if they move, they will prosper as a people. Jackson says, â€Å"†¦perhaps cause them gradually†¦to cast off their savage habits and become an interesting, civilized, and Christian community.† Overall, Jackson wants the Indians gone for his own benefit. He refers to them as uncivilized, uninteresting, and having savage habits, and was proving that he is just looking for a gain for his country, not the native people who have lived there forever.

Thursday, November 14, 2019

EMAIL ETIQUETTE Essay -- essays research papers fc

Email etiquette refers to a set of dos and don’ts that are recommended by business and communication experts in response to the growing concern that people are not using their email effectively or appropriately. Since email is part of the virtual world of communication, many people communicate in their email messages the same way they do in virtual chat rooms: with much less formality and sometimes too aggressively. Email etiquette offers some guidelines that all writers can use to facilitate better communication between themselves and their readers. One overall point to remember is that an email message does not have non-verbal expression to supplement what we are "saying." Most of the time we make judgments about a person’s motives and intentions based on their tone of voice, gestures, and their proximity to us. When those are absent it becomes more difficult to figure out what the message sender means. It is much easier to offend or hurt someone in email a nd that is why it is important to be as clear and concise as possible. Electronic mail (E-mail) cannot replace personal contact. David Angell states that electronic email has many advantages, â€Å"†¦eliminates phone tag, †¦breaks down the distance and time barriers of telephone calls and traditional written communication, †¦shortens the cycle of written communication, †¦improves productivity, †¦creates flexibility†¦by reducing telephone interruptions.† (Angell-Heslop 2). There is a tendency to be less formal or careful, which can sometimes provoke anger. Remember that direct, person-to-person contact is best for handling sensitive, difficult, complex, or emotional issues. Therefore, a company needs to implement etiquette rules for the following three reasons: professionalism, by using proper email language your company will convey a professional image, efficiency, emails that get to the point are much more effective than poorly worded emails, and protection from liability: employee awareness of email risks will protect your company from costly law suits. There are many etiquette guides and many different etiquette rules. Some rules will differ according to the nature of your business and the corporate culture. A few of these rules are to be concise and to the point, answer all questions, pre-empt further questions, use proper spelling, grammar & punctuation, answer swiftly, do not attach unnecessar... ...ensitive. If you don't understand a particular item, ask the sender for clarification before replying to an incorrect conclusion. In a reply, include the relevant parts of the original message for clarity, but keep the quotations to a minimum. Otherwise, simply attach the original message. Cite your information clearly and correctly, even if you are paraphrasing. When ending an email always use a signature because it identifies who you are and includes means of contacting you, but keep it short. Remember that electronic email is about communication with other people. When you compose an e-mail message, read it over before sending it and ask yourself what your reaction would be if you received it. Anytime spent on making out email clearer is time well spent. Works Cited Angell, David, and Brent Heslop. The Elements of E-Mail Style: Communication Effectively Via Electronic Mail. Canada: Addison-Wesley Publishing Company, 1994. Harris, David. â€Å"Electronic Mail Etiquette.† School of Computing. 1997. Queens University 14 July 2003 . Miller, Samantha. E-Mail Etiquette: Do’s and Don’ts and Disaster Tales from People Magazine’s Internet Manners Expert. New York: Warner Books, Inc., 2001.

Saturday, November 9, 2019

What were the prevailing physical and social conditions in Pyrmont/Ultimo during the 1950’s?

Pyrmont-Ultimo was once a highly valued area for pre-Colonial Indigenous Australians because of the access to fresh water, fish and other resources. But by the 1950s, the once thriving industrial Pyrmont-Ultimo had fallen into decline. Near deep waterways, the peninsula was a hotspot for industries, manufacturers and shipping companies. The main forms of employment were from these major industries. The area featured industries that were some of the major distributors of flour, milk, wool and sugar in the country, as well as countless wool-stores. The wool-stores were popular businesses in these times. Steep slopes that led to the wool-stores were convenient for business, as the bales of wool would go down the slopes, be treated and inspected, and then sold off out of the factories. Wool stores on the peninsula employed thousands of men. The Ultimo power station was another big industry at the time. The main use of the power station was to supply electricity to the trams that were running throughout Sydney. The Ultimo power station employed hundreds of men and a few women too. The men of the neighbourhood would walk up and down the shipping yards looking for work, trying to make money for their large families. They would also look for work on the railway yards and the mills. Large industries closed and the area remained neglected for nearly forty years, merely a fossil of a once prominent area of industry. By 1954, the Pyrmont-Ultimo population was around 5,000. The area was filled with terraces, built for the working class community. Much of the population lived in these terraces, which were the most popular forms of housing in the area in the 1950s. Due to the area's previously highly dense population, many terraces were built close together, and with some of them reaching up to three stories high. With the construction of the â€Å"Pyrmont 13† passenger terminal, many migrants landed in Australia, bringing not only cultural diversity, but also the eventual social destructions of thousands of newly settled people seeking housing and work, adding on to the already high amount of poor looking for a chance to make a living in the area and provide for their families. The recreation for the people of the Pyrmont-Ultimo region was limited, generally going to one of countless pubs around the area, seeing the local football team play at the park or playing cricket in the streets. After going to work, most men would usually hit the pubs. Artefacts of these times include plaques outside the pubs, some of which read, â€Å"Please Remove Work-Boots Before Entering†. It was believed that owners of the pubs wanted the working class citizens out by as early as possible, with other signs displaying â€Å"Work Clothes Prohibited After 7.P.M†. These signs can be interpreted as an indication that the pubs in Pyrmont-Ultimo wanted more money by attracting the businessmen from the near-by Central Business District (CBD). The Pyrmont-Ultimo environment was generally unhealthy. Countless cases of black lung and cancer were discovered in people from the area, especially in the working-class men who were working and living in these parts. The wool-stores sometimes created many health problems for the workers and other people residing in their homes near them. The Colonial Sugar Refinery (CSR), trains and power stations polluted the air and water in and around the Pyrmont-Ultimo area. Question 2 – Identify and describe the changes that occurred in the Pyrmont/Ultimo area in the period from 1955 to 1975? Significant change took place in the Pyrmont/Ultimo area from 1955 to 1975. The freeway developments of the 1970s physically divided Pyrmont-Ultimo and threatened to destroy all sense of community. One of the first protests was against the demolition of the terrace houses in Fig Street, which were to make way for the North Western freeway. They rebuilt some of the terraces, but they also started building units. A lot the industries moved out west in these times. Pyrmont/Ultimo began to go into Urban Decline and soon into Urban Decay. Changes to industry and development affected housing, employment, as well as the health and leisure of the people. Employment rates dropped dramatically and people were finding it hard to keep a roof over their heads. Many people went elsewhere for recreational purposes, with the large amount of bars going broke, causing them to close down. Many people got depressed when they became unemployed, causing crime rates to rise dramatically. Drugs and alcohol became very common, causing communal bad health levels in the community. Communities gradually started to fall apart, and the area was nothing like what it used to be. The collapse of a once booming society, followed by the collapse of industrial occupation, created a wasteland, causing many people to subsequently move out of the area. Question 3 – Why did these changes occur? What were the determining factors for the changes? These changes occurred because many people were forced to move into other areas when the freeways were getting built and as the industries were beginning to move out west. The industries primarily moved out of the Pyrmont-Ultimo area and out west because they were encouraged by the government to move out into the western districts, which were much affordable than the current locations. Employment rates plummeted as the industries moved out west. Some of the workers moved west so they could keep a job and continue to support their family. Recreation in the area also changed as many people moved away or simply didn't have time anymore, due to the decreasing wages for the jobs that stayed in the area. The only ‘recreational' thing people could now do was to drink their troubles away down at their local pub. People started drinking more regularly because they were becoming depressed, which led to liver damage, other widespread health diseases in the community, and a further increase of poverty in the area. The increase of people drinking made people more hostile and violent. People were also suffering social problems as they either no longer had jobs, or were earning small amounts of money. The community crumbled because people either had to move for work or stay in the area without jobs and therefore no longer afford to live in the Pyrmont-Ultimo area anymore. By the 1960s, the wool-stores moved out of the area to move to new industrial facilities in southwestern Sydney. This marked the fall of the formerly industrious area. During the 1970s, the Pyrmont-Ultimo had become derelict, making it an unpopular residential area. The construction of wool-stores, power stations and factories caused the deconstruction of countless homes and a decrease in population, before the eventual demise of the Pyrmont-Ultimo area (In 1975, the population of Pyrmont-Ultimo was 1800, while in 1955, it was 5000). Question 4 – How did the Pyrmont/Ultimo area change in the 1980's? Explain the factors responsible for these changes? During the 1980s in Pyrmont-Ultimo, new terrace houses were built and abandoned warehouses were transformed into new residential housing facilities. This caused people to start to move back into the area. Casinos replaced wool-stores and power stations as the industries of the future. Derelict buildings were converted into offices and commercial buildings were constructed in the area. Along with these buildings and new offices came greater job opportunities available to the people. In the mid-1980s, the State Government chose to redevelop Darling Harbour as the heart of the 1988 Australian Bicentennial festivals and celebrations. The Convention and Exhibition Centres, The Sydney Aquarium, a major retail shopping complex, the National Maritime Museum, Chinese Gardens, restoration of the Pyrmont Bridge and the development of larger open spaces were constructed in the Darling Harbour area. Rather than sitting in a pub, the new recreational activity was to go to the casino, though a large number of people still enjoyed the atmosphere of the pubs and clubs. The social side of Pyrmont-Ultimo was increasingly getting better. The area was becoming a community again. Health was also becoming getting better, with drug use and alcohol-intakerapidly decreasing. Pyrmont-Ultimo was going through Urban Growth and, subsequently, underwent Urban Renewal. Question 5 – Has the environment and community of Pyrmont/Ultimo benefited from the changes that have occurred since 1950? Justify your answer with reference to primary and secondary data. The housing environment today compared to the 1950s is greater developed. Today, larger units have been built compared to the small terraces of the 1950s, and a now must-have 10% open-space agreement has been created, meaning that 10% of the property must be open-space. The industries in the area are also further advanced nowadays; office blocks and gaming buildings are bigger and better than ever before, as well as some older industries to liven up the mix. Employment rates have greatly increased today than in the 1950s, as many people work in the newly established offices, gaming buildings or recreational buildings near their homes, even though there is great opportunity for people searching for work. Better recreational facilities have also been installed in the Pyrmont-Ultimo community, with casinos, museums, malls, food courts and other shops to go to today, as opposed to the local pub back in the 1950s. Social problems have greatly decreased since the 1950s, and Pyrmont-Ultimo is once again considered to be a great community. Health in Pyrmont/Ultimo is also better, as there is less pollution from factories, power stations and other industries. Although there is still pollution from cars, pollution levels are much less that what they were in the 1950s.

Thursday, November 7, 2019

Sir Issac Newton essays

Sir Issac Newton essays Through out the Renaissance there were many people who made advances in the areas of technology, life, politics and math. Isaac Newton was a man who made many advances in the field of Math. Not just in the form of 2+2=4 but in Algebra, Calculus, and much more. Although his mathematical advances were made in the beginning of his life there were still many accomplishments to be proud of. Isaac Newton was born in 1642. At age 18 Newton went to Trinity College in Cambridge. He graduated with a bachelor degree in arts, in 1665. Shortly after graduating, he moves to Lincolnshire in August the same year to hide from the plague. Newton returns to Cambridge in 1667 to join the Fellow of Trinity. From 1669 to 1693 Newton devoted his life to mathematics. Sadly Newton stops the study of Math due to a mental breakdown in 1693. In 1696 Newton moved to London and became Master of the Mint. He was knighted be Queen Anne in 1705 and died in 1727. (Fauvel, 20) A lot of Newtons work in the field of Calculus was on Infinite series. Descartes algebra which was called polynomials were expressed as Infinite series were expressed as a series that never ended. Newton came up with the idea that if k was used as a positive integer then the problem could be multiplied out as a polynomial. Newton then continued by stating that if k were used as a fraction then once again the answer would be an infinite series. Once Newton proved his theories about k being an integer he continued in doing the same with y and n. (Fauvel,67-68) In the Years up to 1684 Newton gave many lectures on the topic of algebra. These lectures were later published in a book in 1707,titled Arithmetetica universalis. In the lectures given Newton dealt with sums of powers and roots or equations. The results were later known as Newtons Equations. And eventually extended Descartes rule of signs. D ...

Monday, November 4, 2019

Body Image Research Proposal

I have chosen to study this topic because body image is such a controversial issue in today’s society, especially with adolescent boys and girls. While reviewing select articles on this topic, I noticed that there was a drastic difference in body image between boys and girls. I began to wonder what the reason for this was and through further study of these articles, I realized it had a lot to do with media influences and the role that friends family play in developing body image and so my questions revolve around studying these roles and influences. Much of the media targeted towards girls focuses on portraying only women that fit societys unrealistic expectations of the perfect woman whereas media targeted at men has much more variance in the types of men they portray. According to much of the literature on this topic, this is seen as one of the largest contributing factors to negative body image in adolescent girls. PURPOSE OF THE STUDY RESEARCH QUESTIONS 1) How does the media and advertising contribute to adolescents body image? 2) How do body image issues differ among adolescent boys and girls? What role do family and friends play in developing adolescents’ body image? RESEARCH METHODOLOGY ROLE OF THE RESEARCHER PARTICIPANTS -individual interviews -observation in this situation would be too difficult as it develops over a length of time, not an instantaneous thing -interviews allow to create open ended questions that help the conversation flow to understand how body image has been influenced, types of friends, family involvement, interests, hobbies (are they into pop culture, do they admire celebs, do they spend lots of time watching tv/movies)

Saturday, November 2, 2019

Business report of Tesco Coursework Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words

Business report of Tesco - Coursework Example Murcott (2009, pg 244)claims that the magnitude of the European typical market holds numerous prospects for companies wishing to upsurge their production, by making operational usage of markets of scale. The European Union’s food industry should also look to arouse innovation and improve new products so as to thrive. All this should be carried out in a way that is courteous for the environment and which warranties safe access to farming raw materials. Boyle (2007, pg 5) TESCO is one of the companies in the European market. It is a British firm which is headquartered in England, United Kingdom, where it operates around 1,878 outlets, and also operates stores in Asia and Europe. Tesco.com is an entirely owned subordinate offering a broad online service, inclusive of tesco.net and tescodirect.com. The firm offers a wide variety of both offline and online personal financial services. Earle, (1997, pg 168) argues that, there exist other major enterprises in the food industry located in Europe. These companies include: Kerry Group; Bakkavor; Unilever; Nestle; Barilla Group; Danone; Yoplait; Paulig; Parmalat; Ferrero SpA; and Swisslion group. To begin with, Kerry Group is a public food company that has its headquarters in Ireland. It operates in 24 republics across five continents. It has a workforce of 36000 people in its technical, sales and manufacturing centres all over the world. Additionally, it supplies 15000 and above flavour products, food ingredients and food to consumers in more than 140 nations globally. Secondly, we have the Bakkavor; its headquarters are in London, England. However, it is dominant in the United Kingdom than other places. It is specialising in freshly prepared foodstuffs and has thirty-two industrial facilities in the United Kingdom, over twenty sites in five other nations. It has a workforce of 18,000 with a turnover of 1.6 billion po unds. Rayner et al. (2008, pg 150) says that, another