Friday, May 22, 2020

Nursing Practice History And Evolution - 976 Words

Nursing Practice History and Evolution â€Å"The story of knowledge of multiple sclerosis is like a history of medicine in miniature† (Putnam, 1938, p. 806). My story began eighteen years ago, sitting in a University of Iowa neurologist’s exam room, awaiting the results of a magnetic resonance image of my brain. I was a twenty-six year old Caucasian female from rural Iowa and a recent nursing college graduate. However, I heard the neurologist’s explanation why his assessment revealed a multiple sclerosis diagnosis for the first time. Fortunately, multiple sclerosis research, practice, and theories have seen tremendous strides while evidence-based nursing interventions and practice guidelines have advanced (Marchionni Ritchie, 2008). Because multiple sclerosis’s personal and professional impact has been immensely important to my nursing practice, the past, present, and future of evidence-based nursing practice will be addressed. Multiple Sclerosis History and Evolution An understanding of our past and present multiple sclerosis theory, research, and practice will help generate further evidence-based nursing practice (Alligood, 2014). The earliest documentation of multiple sclerosis was the case of Lidwina, a healthy, active, sixteen year old living in Schiedam, Holland (Murray McDonald, 2005). In 1395, Lidwina developed an acute illness and fell breaking a rib while skating on a frozen canal (Murray McDonald, 2005). However, she continued to display neurologicalShow MoreRelatedNursing Timeline1137 Words   |  5 PagesHistorical Development of Nursing Timeline Historical Development of Nursing Timeline The 19th century marked the beginning of professional nursing. Florence Nightingale was the legend behind it as she began the struggle of nurses being recognized as professionals. 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